Pink Fire Pointer Indonesian Original Coffee

Indonesian Original Coffee

Fun Drinking Indonesian Original CoffeeDevita Sari - detikFood
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Photo: dev / Detikfood
Jakarta - Who says a local coffee flavors such as Mocha Java Toraja Kalosi or less with foreign coffee brand? Indonesia sipping a glass of real coffee is actually creating its own pleasure. In addition to an affordable price slurpp ... tenan sueger taste!

Kemang street on weekends is sometimes stressful the motorist. That's what I experienced last weekend, when crossing an area of ​​Kemang, South Jakarta. No wonder the Coffee Toffee ® is located in a building of this tiny attracted my attention.

Toffee Coffee ® in Kemang is still relatively brand new alias about 2 weeks of operation. On the inside there are several places to sit and a counter where ordered coffee. Different from other similar outlets coffee because coffee is offered here Mocha native to Indonesia such as Java and Toraja Kalosi.

Choice of coffee at the Coffee Toffee ® which is a local franchise from Surabaya is quite diverse, ranging from Frappe Blend, iced Coffee, Espresso, and Hot Coffee. For those who do not like coffee not to worry, because it could order a chocolate and tea Indonesian native who served hot or cold. Create a companion beverage is some kind of pancake that can be sampled.

For the signature I offered coffee I need coffee, Irish Creame Caramel Delight or taking Irish wishkey free alcohol. Apparently each offered coffee has three levels, namely: light, medium, and strong. I booked I need Cooffe with the level of medium strength coffee. For a second my friend ordered a glass of Choconutte Almond and Hot Tea.

While my order I formulated a cool look at a board hanging on the wall. 'Know Your Coffee', so sound, where the writing various types of mixtures such as espresso coffee, Cafe latte, Long Black, or Americano. Wow, interesting!

I need Coffee and Almond Choconutte presented in two tall glasses. While tea is served in wide cups with sugar syrup separately. I need Coffee is a coffee extract that is mixed with chocolate brown and granular, so that the color is dark brown. When inhaled ... aroma of coffee is not so strong, while krenyes-brown granules remaining krenyes created its own sensation. Hmm ... sleepy eyes that were once so fresh!

For Almond Choconutte no less fresh with no excessive sweetness. Chocolate that is blanded with almond taste sensation may also feel this wah. While taking his tea black tea, with a dark red color when diseruput slurpp ... directly warm the body.

Surely About the price of coffee lovers need not worry, because all the price of drinks on offer price ranging from USD 6000.00 - Rp 15.000,00. Steady is not it? The Indonesian coffee lover, stop by yuk!

Coffee Toffee ®
Jl. 1 No.71 Kemang, South Jakarta
(Next to Little Bagdhad)
Hours: 12:00 to 22:00 (temporary)

(Dev / Odi)