Long weekend is a long-awaited moment a lot of people to eliminate the tired routines leave for a moment to re-create the body and mind become fresh. No wonder many people are taking ration coupled with the long holiday sabbatical in order to enjoy a longer holiday.
The tradition of the people of Indonesia for homecoming (returning home) is ingrained throughout the region. not only Javanese people who do it, but almost all areas even for people who wander out Indonesai negeripun do. Given the current density at each ahead of the holiday homecoming danjang, the travelers is difficult to get tickets according to what he wanted. Although no price has doubled. ticket agents and travel companies are considered as the party raise the price. Tiketpun brokers do not miss these opportunities to reap the benefits.
Actually the government has issued regulations regarding the upper limit and lower limit for airfare, bus or other transportation back and forth. But the fact remains there is an increase in field tickets that go beyond the specified limits. For airline companies usually abide by the rules that have been set by the government, but often there are several elements which cooperate with ticket scalpers ticket that causes a rare and people are forced to buy through brokers that cost far more expensive than listed on the ticket.
ordercustompaper made a real revolution in the industry.
TIP: To Which Will Vacation
Based on my experience and also my friend's friends, there are a few tips that might be useful for you all:
1. Plan your holiday from the far-distant day. eg for a plane ticket Eid, a year before D-day tickets usually can already be booked. Be careful in determining the date of departure if you will be buying tickets promo, promo tickets because usually it will be difficult if you have to do flight schedule changes. executive for train tickets and tickets are already sold 40 business days prior to departure and economic train one week before the day of departure.
2. Prepare your luggage to be brought. Bring items that you really need it. the more goods you bring you will be more troublesome and also passengers. Separate place your personal items in places easily accessible. such drugs should not be included into the trunk, because if you suddenly need it will be hard to pick it up.
3. Bring cash as needed. bring the money in the form of an ATM card or other shopping cards are safer than carrying cash in large numbers.
4. Avoid striking appearance and Nudity. Wearing sexy clothing, flashy jewelry that will invite crime.
5. If not get a ticket, your trip should be postponed. Do not buy tickets at brokers or in a place that is not official if it is not very forced at all.
Civet coffee (Luwwak Coffee) mint flavors
What do you think if you hear about Givet Coffee or Luwak coffee? Will you be my think about coffee with special coffee taste. Luwak coffee verry famous in the word because of the taste. The price of Civet Coffee is verry expensive, but the price is worth a taste. So what do you think if you hear about Civet Coffee with min flavors?
As at the posting in the forum detik.com (http://forum.detik.com/wow-ada-kopi-luwak-rasa-mint-t290308.html) that in West Lampung is developing Luwak coffee mint flavors. With the development of civet coffee variant is expected to increase the attractiveness of West Lampung as a tourist destination in the province of Lampung.
Luwak coffee with mint flavour is a new variant of coffee flavor, Luwak coffee ment flavour-making ideas into a strategic move to boost sales of these products luwak coffee. Variations Luwak coffee products in West Lampung will impact on employers' economic improvement, other than that of the new product will add to the diversity of processed coffee products. ( Gunawan (38), luwak coffee entrepreneur from Way, Kecamatan Balik bukit, Lampung Barat, in Liwa
West Lampung is the largest coffee producing areas in Lampung Province. For half of the coffee region were developed as the main livelihood of local masyarat.
Kopi Luwak become one of the leading products in the district of West Lampung. Coffee product called West Lampungincreasingly recognized in foreign countries. Luwak coffee production is still limited mint flavor. Employers only meet consumer demand Based on the orders. Mint Luwak coffee prices reached Rp900.000/Kg.
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Spices from the Maluku
Maluku known as the Thousand Island area and has a socio-cultural diversity and abundant natural wealth. The Dutch called it 'the three golden from the east' of Ternate, Banda and Ambon. Before the arrival of the Dutch, Portuguese writer and physician, Tome Pirez wrote the book 'Summa Oriental' who have engraved on Ternate, Ambon and Banda as 'the spices island '
The main commodities Maluku archipelago in terms of spices are cloves and nutmeg. Both commodities are now a symbol of the province of Maluku. Maluku Province is located in eastern Indonesia with the capital Ambon. fertile soil make the province of Maluku has abundant natural resources. not only well-known spice since antiquity, the sea was also already a commodity exports to several countries such as Japan and Thaialand.
After Splitting Provinis embarrassment, it gives birth to the northern province of Maluku. After the birth of North Maluku province is expected to natural resource management more leverage so as to increase the production of spices in north Maluku. until recently head of production at the new North Maluku reach 5,000 tons / year. nutmeg plantation area of 1,000 ha is one of the efforts of local governments to increase the production of nutmeg. with programs that support the development of production of spices and marine comodity in the next few years Maluku will get rich with the spices and the sea.
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Mudik Time
Mudik or Homecoming is a tradition of Indonesian society during Idul Fitri arrived. The settled foreigner have prepared since long time back and forth time. for travelers that use train, They can buy the ticket 40 days before the day of homecoming time. for the travelers that use plane, They can bay the ticket about six months earlier.
Mudik usually do urbanites in cities to their rural homelands. Large cities become deserted while in the township became crowded during homecoming. Migrants from various regions gathered in their hometown. The gathering of the community is always accompanied by economic activity in the area. rural economy began to rise when going home arrived.
In addition to improving economic activity, the moment of going home can also be used as a means of promotion for rural communities. Many products - products that have a rural high economic value, but has been less developed due to lack of capital and marketing are not systematic. with the gathering of urban society from the urban, is expected to be intersting their interest to invest in goods from the countryside.
Urban communities are considered to have the ability to process the products produced in rural areas to be processed materials that have high economic value. Creative ideas and capital are expected to increase in the rural economy.
Selamat menjalankan Ibadah Shoum!
Selamat Mudik
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
The Effect of Infrastructure (Transport) to The Economic Growth
Translated from : http://lubmazresearch.wordpress.com with Googletranslate
The development of infrastructure to economic development has a close relationship and interdependence with each other. repair and improvement of infrastructure in general will be able to increase the mobility of people, the creation of drop shipping the goods, the presence of the transport of goods with higher speeds, and improved quality of services such transportation.
At this crucial infrastructure problems to be addressed on the agenda of local government, because the infrastructure is a major determinant of the sustainability of development activities, such as to achieve economic development targets both qualitatively and quantitatively. In the short-term infrastructure development will create jobs in the construction sector medium and long term will support increased efficiency and productivity related economic sectors. So that infrastructure development can be considered as a strategy to encourage economic growth, poverty reduction, improved quality of life, increased mobility of goods and services, and can reduce the cost of domestic and foreign investors (Marsuki, 2007).
The relationship of infrastructure to economic growth is directly infrastructure provides benefits to households (household) and also much enjoyed by the company which led to economic growth and ultimately provide welfare Prud'homme (in Briceno et al, 2004).
The linkage between the infrastructure (transport sector) with partumbuhan economic context of government spending (Government spending) transport sector in accordance with the Theory Keyles (in Gardner Ackley, 1961) states that the activities of government seeping into all areas of assuming a closed economy, where Y is economic growth, C is consumption, G is the volume of government spending, and I is investment.
Systematically have the identity as follows: Research on the effects of public investment in infrastructure (in this case the transport and communications) on the growth made by Easterly and Rebelo in 1993. Using assessment as a helper variable to avoid linking the two endogenous variables and the possibility of reciprocal causal relationships. With the pool method of regression, found that public investment in infrastructure has always been a positive relationship with relatively high coefficients of between 0.59 to 0.66 on the growth.
In encouraging the development of infrastructure, the government as a major player in the infrastructure sector should maintain the sustainability of development investments in infrastructure and prioritize infrastructure development plans, so the infrastructure can be improved both in quantity and quality. Infrastructure development should involve the private sector and communities to achieve sustainable development. There must be a right combination between large and small scale infrastructure to achieve the target income distribution and poverty reduction. For that we need a more integrated approach in infrastructure development from planning to service to the community, to ensure synergy across sectors, regions and territories. In more detail the provision of infrastructure to economic development are: (Basri, 2002).
1. Accelerate and provide the necessary goods.
2. Availability of infrastructure will enable the availability of goods for more people with a cheaper cost.
3. A good infrastructure can facilitate the transport which in turn stimulates the stabilization and reduce the price disparity among regions.
4. Infrastructure that facilitate the transport services led to the production areas can be transported and sold into the market.
The development of infrastructure to economic development has a close relationship and interdependence with each other. repair and improvement of infrastructure in general will be able to increase the mobility of people, the creation of drop shipping the goods, the presence of the transport of goods with higher speeds, and improved quality of services such transportation.
At this crucial infrastructure problems to be addressed on the agenda of local government, because the infrastructure is a major determinant of the sustainability of development activities, such as to achieve economic development targets both qualitatively and quantitatively. In the short-term infrastructure development will create jobs in the construction sector medium and long term will support increased efficiency and productivity related economic sectors. So that infrastructure development can be considered as a strategy to encourage economic growth, poverty reduction, improved quality of life, increased mobility of goods and services, and can reduce the cost of domestic and foreign investors (Marsuki, 2007).
The relationship of infrastructure to economic growth is directly infrastructure provides benefits to households (household) and also much enjoyed by the company which led to economic growth and ultimately provide welfare Prud'homme (in Briceno et al, 2004).
The linkage between the infrastructure (transport sector) with partumbuhan economic context of government spending (Government spending) transport sector in accordance with the Theory Keyles (in Gardner Ackley, 1961) states that the activities of government seeping into all areas of assuming a closed economy, where Y is economic growth, C is consumption, G is the volume of government spending, and I is investment.
Systematically have the identity as follows: Research on the effects of public investment in infrastructure (in this case the transport and communications) on the growth made by Easterly and Rebelo in 1993. Using assessment as a helper variable to avoid linking the two endogenous variables and the possibility of reciprocal causal relationships. With the pool method of regression, found that public investment in infrastructure has always been a positive relationship with relatively high coefficients of between 0.59 to 0.66 on the growth.
In encouraging the development of infrastructure, the government as a major player in the infrastructure sector should maintain the sustainability of development investments in infrastructure and prioritize infrastructure development plans, so the infrastructure can be improved both in quantity and quality. Infrastructure development should involve the private sector and communities to achieve sustainable development. There must be a right combination between large and small scale infrastructure to achieve the target income distribution and poverty reduction. For that we need a more integrated approach in infrastructure development from planning to service to the community, to ensure synergy across sectors, regions and territories. In more detail the provision of infrastructure to economic development are: (Basri, 2002).
1. Accelerate and provide the necessary goods.
2. Availability of infrastructure will enable the availability of goods for more people with a cheaper cost.
3. A good infrastructure can facilitate the transport which in turn stimulates the stabilization and reduce the price disparity among regions.
4. Infrastructure that facilitate the transport services led to the production areas can be transported and sold into the market.
Macroeconomic Assumptions Revised 2011
The economy is expected to grow about 6.5% in the State Budget Changes (APBN-P). The number is higher than the 2011 state budget assumption of 6.4%. This was conveyed by Deputy Finance Minister Anny Ratnawati, while Working Meeting (Meeting) with the Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) at the Parliament House Senayan, Jakarta on Wednesday (06/07).
In line with the improving global economy and domestic, there is a change in the estimated sources of growth in GDP (Gross Domestic Product). "Sources of GDP growth in 2011 came from public consumption by 4.9%, 5.1% government consumption, PMTB (Gross Fixed Capital Formation) 9.5%, 14.1% of exports and imports 17.3%," explains Wamenkeu. Estimated GDP growth in 2011 will be the highest growth since the crisis of 1997/1998.
According Wamenkeu, is expected to shift the composition of the sources of growth. Rising oil prices in 2011 is estimated to boost the mining sector. While the estimated normal weather conditions and a variety of policies to increase agricultural productivity, is expected to enhance the growth of the agricultural sector.
Meanwhile, the inflation rate in 2011 is expected to be in the range of 6%, higher than the budget assumption for 2011 of 5.3%. The rate of annual inflation in June 2011 reached 5.54% (year on year), or higher than the same period in 2010 amounted to 5.05%. This occurs along with the increase in world commodity prices and continued high global demand.
NES 3-month interest rate will be the reference calculation of debt payments to replace SBI 3 months. Wamenkeu conveyed, during the first six months of 2011, NES 3-month interest rates fluctuate. "At the last auction, on June 21, 2011, interest rates SPN 3 months amounted to 5.44%," he said.
Problem strengthening of the rupiah, Wamenkeu argues, the average value of the rupiah in 2011 estimated at $ Rp8.800/US level. Reinforcement is influenced by several things. First, the strong capital inflows into the domestic market. Then, the increase in direct investment is encouraged by the improving investment climate and macroeconomic stability. Finally, the positive sentiment from the sovereign credit rating that will reach investment grade.
For the price of oil, the Government set a U.S. $ 95/barel in APBN-P 2011. "The average ICP (Indonesia Crude Price) January to June 2011 amounted to U.S. $ 111.0 / barrel, higher than the budget assumption of U.S. $ 80.0 / barrel," said Wamenkeu. He added, the average oil lifting the period December 2010 to May 2011 reached 888 thousand barrels per day (bpd), below the budget target in 2011.
In line with the improving global economy and domestic, there is a change in the estimated sources of growth in GDP (Gross Domestic Product). "Sources of GDP growth in 2011 came from public consumption by 4.9%, 5.1% government consumption, PMTB (Gross Fixed Capital Formation) 9.5%, 14.1% of exports and imports 17.3%," explains Wamenkeu. Estimated GDP growth in 2011 will be the highest growth since the crisis of 1997/1998.
According Wamenkeu, is expected to shift the composition of the sources of growth. Rising oil prices in 2011 is estimated to boost the mining sector. While the estimated normal weather conditions and a variety of policies to increase agricultural productivity, is expected to enhance the growth of the agricultural sector.
Meanwhile, the inflation rate in 2011 is expected to be in the range of 6%, higher than the budget assumption for 2011 of 5.3%. The rate of annual inflation in June 2011 reached 5.54% (year on year), or higher than the same period in 2010 amounted to 5.05%. This occurs along with the increase in world commodity prices and continued high global demand.
NES 3-month interest rate will be the reference calculation of debt payments to replace SBI 3 months. Wamenkeu conveyed, during the first six months of 2011, NES 3-month interest rates fluctuate. "At the last auction, on June 21, 2011, interest rates SPN 3 months amounted to 5.44%," he said.
Problem strengthening of the rupiah, Wamenkeu argues, the average value of the rupiah in 2011 estimated at $ Rp8.800/US level. Reinforcement is influenced by several things. First, the strong capital inflows into the domestic market. Then, the increase in direct investment is encouraged by the improving investment climate and macroeconomic stability. Finally, the positive sentiment from the sovereign credit rating that will reach investment grade.
For the price of oil, the Government set a U.S. $ 95/barel in APBN-P 2011. "The average ICP (Indonesia Crude Price) January to June 2011 amounted to U.S. $ 111.0 / barrel, higher than the budget assumption of U.S. $ 80.0 / barrel," said Wamenkeu. He added, the average oil lifting the period December 2010 to May 2011 reached 888 thousand barrels per day (bpd), below the budget target in 2011.
Macroeconomic Assumptions 2011 | |||
GDB (Trillion Rp) | 7.019,9 | ||
Growth(%) | 6,4 | ||
Inflation (%) | 5,3 | ||
Exchange Rate ($/Rp) | 9.250,0 | ||
SBI 3 bln (%) | 6,5 | ||
Oil Price (US$/brl) | 80,0 | ||
Oil Lifting (Thousand.brl/day) | 0.970 | ||
Coal Prod. (Million tons) | |||
GasLifting (MMSCFD) | |||
APBN 2011 (In Trillion) | |||
Gov. Revenue | 1.104,9 | ||
- | Tax Revenue | 850,3 | |
- | Non Tax Revenue | 250,9 | |
- | Grant | 3,7 | |
Expenditure | 1.229,6 | ||
- | Cent. Gov. Expenditure | 836,6 | |
- | Regional Expenditure | 393,0 | |
Financing | 124,7 | ||
- | Domestic | 125,3 | |
- | International | -0,6 | |
Source www.fiskal.depkeu.go.id
13th salary (Gaji ke-13) paid by Governments to the civil servants (PNS)
The government has prepared to disburse 13th salery this Jul. Policy to give 13th salery to civil servants since the government started Abdul Rahwan Wahin (Gusdur). Many pik that welcomes this policy as it is considered very effective to help the staff of the government to improve their welfare.
13th salery awarded in July or early to know the new school. So it is very helpful for civil servants to send their children to new school. This was confirmed by the Minister of Finance.
Minister of Finance Agus D.W. Martowardojo affirmed that 13th salary paid by Governments to the civil servants (PNS) is a mandate of Law. It was submitted by the Minister of Finance when he was met after the plenary meeting with House of Representatives (DPR) in Parliament House Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (05/07).
Minister said, the 13th salary payment is a mandate of Law, so it is Governments’ obligation to conduct it. “Because of Law, we have to prepare the 13th salary,” he said.
Besides that, for smooth implementation, central governments remind local governments to always maintain their budget health, including in the case of 13th salary payment. “So, regions have to maintain their budget health. That there is region that is objected or imposed, it is a consequence that they have to prepare because of 13th salary payment,” he said.
Minister explained, the regulation regarding 13th salary payment has been finished to discuss. This regulation has been finalized and ready to run on this July. “We are done and it has run this month.
13th salery given for one month salary. If this is converted to a salary increase, then the same with a salary increase of 1 / 12 or by 8.43%. But if the government giveit in the form of a salary increase of 8:34% then this will cause price increase or inflation which has been used to accompany the increase in salaries of civil servants.
13th salary (Salary to-13) must be paid Earlier
History of coffee
The history of coffee goes at least as far back as the thirteenth century. It has been believed that Ethiopian ancestors of today's Oromo people were the first to discover and recognize the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant.The story of Kaldi, the 9th-century Ethiopian goatherd who discovered coffee, did not appear in writing until 1671 AD and is probably apocryphal.From Ethiopia, coffee was said to have spread to Egypt and Yemen. The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen.By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey, and northern Africa. Coffee then spread to Italy, and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and to the Americas.
The word "coffee" entered English in 1598 via Dutch koffie. This word was created via Turkish kahve, the Turkish pronunciation Arabic qahwa, a truncation of qahhwat al-bun or wine of the bean. One possible origin of the name is the Kingdom of Kaffa in Ethiopia, where the coffee plant originated; its name there is bunn or bunna.First uses
There are several legendary accounts of the origin of the drink itself. One account involves the Yemenite Sufi mystic Ghothul Akbar Nooruddin Abu al-Hasan al-Shadhili. When traveling in Ethiopia, the legend goes, he observed birds of unusual vitality, and, upon trying the berries that the birds had been eating, experienced the same vitality. Another story involves a goat-herd, Kaldi, who, noticing the energizing effects when his flock nibbled on the bright red berries of a certain bush, chewed on the fruit himself. His exhilaration prompted him to bring the berries to a Muslim holy man in a nearby monastery. But the holy man disapproved of their use and threw them into the fire, from which an enticing aroma billowed and the holy men came. The roasted beans were quickly raked from the embers, ground up, and dissolved in hot water, yielding the world's first cup of coffee. The Ethiopian ancestors of today's Oromo tribe, were the first to have recognized the energizing effect of the native coffee plant.Studies of genetic diversity have been performed on Coffea arabica varieties, found to be of low diversity but which retained some residual heterozygosity from ancestral materials, and closely-related diploid species Coffea canephora and C. liberica; however, no direct evidence has ever been found indicating where in Africa coffee grew or who among the natives might have used it as a stimulant, or known about it there earlier than the seventeenth century.Arab world and spread to Europe
The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of the Yemen in southern Arabia.From Mocha, coffee spread to Egypt and North Africa,and by the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia and Turkey. From the Muslim world, coffee drinking spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe, and coffee plants were transported by the Dutch to the East Indies and to the Americas..
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