Pink Fire Pointer March 2012

Economic Potential of West Aceh

The total area of ​​this district is 2929.95 km 2, District consists of: - 11 districts - 33 mukim and - 314 villages.

Topography of this district consists of: - 25 coastal villages, - the valley of 39 villages, - the slopes of 44 villages, and - plain 213 villages.

Natural resources of West Aceh district is relatively adequate for geographical position of this district has a total area of
​​the ocean and the land is quite good because it has the potential of natural resources.

Forestry: Timber and rattan (manau and semambu).

West Aceh is one of the leading mineral producing areas diAceh. Coal is often found in Meulaboh and sub-basin Kaway XI. Gold contained in Tutut / Mas River District. Around Krueng Woyla and Tutut also found Silver and Platinum.

In West Aceh, there are several private estates nationwide are engaged in oil palm and rubber. Besides having a palm garden, private plantation company also has a palm oil mill with a capacity of 30 tons / hour. Plantation were also encountered in West Aceh such as hybrid coconut, coconut, rubber, coffee, palm oil, sugarcane, Pecan, Cocoa, Pepper, Patchouli, Sago, Sugar, Kapok / Randu, Turmeric, and Ginger.

Agriculture & Horticulture
Rice, Corn, Peanut, Peanut Length, Green Beans, cassava, sweet potatoes, chili, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber, and watermelon.

Marine fisheries production in West Aceh mencapai16.863, its 03 tons per year. Sustainable level of living fish populations from the shoreline to 12 mph this region each year is estimated at 68810.6 tonnes while the ocean 12 miles to 200 miles EEZ population level is estimated to 19907.3 tonnes of pelagic fish and fish domensial estimated 14 598 tonnes. West Aceh is also producer of farmed fish, including shrimp and crabs. Tilapia is a popular species of fish from fish farmers in West Aceh, because it was becoming known as one kind of fish are delicious to eat. Pond fish production is 8.80 tons with total area of
​​114.30 hectares and Fish Swimming 27.70 tons with total area of ​​36.55 ha

Tourism Regions
West Aceh has a very beautiful beach. Coastal resorts can be found at: - Ribee Suak Beach - Beach Lanaga - Lhok Bubon Coast - Coast Batee Puteh - Genang-Gedong